Reserved item for Shopping Agent Service (036)

Reserved item for Shopping Agent Service (036)

販売価格: 111,818円(税別)

(税込: 123,000円)

Quotation Details
[[1] Item name, URL, Type, Size, Color, Quantity, etc.]
Nature Boys Rod Case Air, Regular 2030, Color Oliveお勧めジグコレクション/products/rod-case-air-ロッドケースエア?variant=32051836813384
2 pieces
 ¥22,550 x2

[[2] Item name, URL, Type, Size, Color, Quantity, etc.]
Nature Boys Rod Case Air Custom Order, 1200mm/1146mm, Color Oliveお勧めジグコレクション/products/rodcase-air-custom-ordr-700-2000mm?variant=32153248628808
1 piece

[[3] Item name, URL, Type, Size, Color, Quantity, etc.]
Nature Boys Rod Case Air Custom Order, 800mm/746mm, Color Oliveお勧めジグコレクション/products/rodcase-air-custom-ordr-700-2000mm?variant=32153248104520
1 piece

Domestic Shipping Charges 1,500円
Subtotal 91,700円  611.00 USD
Service Fee(x3) 9.00 USD
Expedited Shipping 200.00 USD

We will not know the size of the cardboard boxes until we receive the
package from the manufacturer.
For this reason, we will initially charge you approximately 1.5 times
the expected shipping cost and will refund any unused shipping costs
once the actual shipping costs are finalized.
Total amount 820.00 USD